Impacting Lives through Digital Solutions
CHILDBIRTH complications
eHEALTH Solutions @ Scale
With over 15 years of rich experience in the Healthcare domain, Iridium has designed & developed a comprehensive Integrated Mobile Health Solution for Disease Surveillance & Case Notification.This eHealth solution that breaks down the traditional silos of healthcare delivery and changes the way public health service is implemented, monitored & evaluated.
The solution equips Patients, Providers, Ministries, Funding Agencies, Health Facilities, Laboratories, Warehouses etc with the right information at the right time (real time) – improving patient care, saving time and reducing long term costs.

Success Stories
Iridium has developed a Comprehensive Health solution, TIBU * (in Kiswahili means ‘TO CURE’), for the Ministry of Health Kenya with the financial support from USAID . TIBU seamlessly integrates the ministerial facilities and administrative offices with National Health Information System (DHIS/ 2) providing real time data on patients, treatment and outcome, drug availability, lab inventory and real time payments done to the patients using Mobile payment platform, M-PESA. TIBU is a hybrid solution designed to work with Android Tablets and Cloud based infrastructure designed to work even in those remote locations where there is no electricity and mobile signals.

Scaled up to Leprosy, HIV / AIDS**
Integrated National
eHEALTH Solution
- Integrated Disease Surveillance & Case Notification solution for Communicable, Non Communicable diseases & MCH / other Health themes
- Seamless Integration of Data Input, Verification, Monitoring & Treatment Outcome in real time from a Facility to the National level
- Capacity Building of Health Staff using In the Moment, Bite Sized, In Context Learning Content via Mobile device
- Connects Patients, Point of Care, Community Workers, Healthcare Providers, Program Officials, Labs & Warehouses
- Automated Digital Health Logistics for Real Time Drug Inventory , Warehouse & Laboratory Reporting
- Automated Patient Treatment, Tracking & Follow up
- ePayments & eReimbursements to Patients & Health Staff
Making Sense
of Data
- Unique Patient Identification for Cost effective Patient Care & Support
- Heat Maps to Identify and Monitor Disease Outbreaks & Infection Trends
- Real Time Health Reporting using Digital GIS maps of Patients, Communities & Health Facilities
- Access to Instant National Health Snapshot