Iridium Interactive Blog

An iridiumInteractive Blog: Transforming + Enlightening Businesses Online Raising Collective Social Intelligence

Meetings aren't always about targets and deadlines

As I get a reminder to an already accepted invitation to a Leadership Team Meet on Wednesday, nothing was actually going on in my mind as I grabbed a note pad and made my way to the conference room, expecting another routine meeting with the team as it was always done in Google. There were a lot more people in the meeting than I had expected people from the testing, creative and sales team (which I got to know later). With a brief introduction of all those present in the room I realized the number of super intelligent people sharing the same space as me, one a Harvard pass out, another a MIT graduate, Whaoo!! With strategists, marketing gurus and design experts all in the same room, I could not have been more pepped up to be associated with people of such stature. This meeting was anything like the serious work focused huddles Iwas used to in Google, no tasks to be delegated, no deadlines discussed…nothing… it was all fun and play here. Sriram Bharatam, CEO of iridium Interactive starting the meeting stating “we lost half a million last year, but this should not deter our confidence in ourselves. We will begin this year with new perspectives to achieve what we are all standing here for”. This was some start to a meeting; I could feel the transparency between the people in the room as each one discussed their concerns and learning’s from the projects and the company. Taking inputs and collective wisdom from each other one of the team members said “we are so busy working that we have stopped enjoying success, we have stopped smiling!!” This motivated everyone present to shed their stress and have fun while working. This represented the company’s core value that motivates everyone to enjoy their work and not get bogged down. This was impressive.. never can I imagine my manager telling me to chill and work, but this was the culture of iridium Interactive unlike any other conventional companies. Boredom was far away from my thoughts as this fun frolicking meeting just did not give anyone a chance to get bored. Later in the end I got to know that this was my official induction in their company. I for one completely enjoyed this one of a kind induction and would definitely look forward to work with iridium Interactive and be a part of more of their enjoyable meetings.

Sriram addressing his keen listeners on the importance of enjoying while working

As I get a reminder to an already accepted invitation to a Leadership Team Meet on Wednesday, nothing was actually going on in my mind as I grabbed a note pad and made my way to the conference room, expecting another routine meeting with the team as it was always done in Google. There were a lot more people in the meeting than I had expected people from the testing, creative and sales team (which I got to know later). With a brief introduction of all those present in the room I realized the number of super intelligent people sharing the same space as me, one a Harvard pass out, another a MIT graduate, Whaoo!! With strategists, marketing gurus and design experts all in the same room, I could not have been more pepped up to be associated with people of such stature. This meeting was anything like the serious work focused huddles Iwas used to in Google, no tasks to be delegated, no deadlines discussed…nothing… it was all fun and play here. Sriram Bharatam, CEO of IridiumInteractive starting the meeting stating “we lost half a million last year, but this should not deter our confidence in ourselves. We will begin this year with new perspectives to achieve what we are all standing here for”. This was some start to a meeting; I could feel the transparency between the people in the room as each one discussed their concerns and learning’s from the projects and the company. Taking inputs and collective wisdom from each other one of the team members said “we are so busy working that we have stopped enjoying success, we have stopped smiling!!” This motivated everyone present to shed their stress and have fun while working. This represented the company’s core value that motivates everyone to enjoy their work and not get bogged down. This was impressive.. never can I imagine my manager telling me to chill and work, but this was the culture of IridiumInteractive unlike any other conventional companies. Boredom was far away from my thoughts as this fun frolicking meeting just did not give anyone a chance to get bored. Later in the end I got to know that this was my official induction in their company. I for one completely enjoyed this one of a kind induction and would definitely look forward to work with IridiumInteractive and be a part of more of their enjoyable meetings.

Sriram addressing his keen listeners on the importance of enjoying while working



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