What an idea!!!! | Iridium Interactive Blog

Iridium Interactive Blog

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What an idea!!!!

On the occasion of its tenth birthday, Google has come up with a novel project -Project 10 to the 100. This time it is about doing our bit (wish I could change this “bit” to tera bytes) for the betterment of the society. Google invites people to come up with ideas that can make this world a better place to live in …Most of us are aware of the millions around us who as not as privileged as us and desire to do something for them. We are willing to give something back to the society, but often do not know how to go about it. This project just requires that one brilliant idea that can bring maximum happiness to maximum people for the maximum time..Google will then take over and fund the project, ensure that the idea gets implemented. It will be the coming together of like minded individuals and organizationsin doiing the one thing that ensures happiness-lending a helping hand to the needy.

What would help ?And help most? This contest is all about finding an answer to these question. Google has launched an exclusive website for this campaign from where you can get further details.here goes the link. http://www.project10tothe100.com/.As an organization we at iridium Interactive firmly believe that every citizen has a responsibility to leave to the world more than he takes, and have steadfastly followed this adagage. This is probably an opportunity for us as an individual, as well as on organization to realize that one idea which probably have always believed in.With Googles’ involvements the scale of activities in this project is anybody’s guess. So here is your opportunity to make a difference to the world .Put on your thinking caps and come up with that 10 million dollar IDEA……

Congratulations Google, on this Noble venture ..



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