Iridium Interactive Blog

An iridiumInteractive Blog: Transforming + Enlightening Businesses Online Raising Collective Social Intelligence

Social Media Etiquettes

social etiquetteSocial media is like any face-to-face conversation. It is essential to understand the proper way to converse and behave online. I feel it is important to throw some light on social media etiquette and “why” people should be at their best just as they are in a live social environment. While there are many social media experts who talk about keeping your individual style, urging us to voice our opinions etc., there is still a corporate etiquette needed in your social interactions and relationships. Let me brief you with some must- know pointers on social media etiquette.

  • Introduce your self and your company before adding people relevant to you and your business.
  • Don’t blow your own trumpet: Do not talk too much about yourself and promote only your company without understanding the wants of your audience.
  • Talk what’s relevant to your audience and community: Double check and ask yourself before submitting a blog if it is what your community will be interested in reading?
  • Listen and Respond: If your community is actively responding to your blogs and tweets, it is a good gesture to acknowledge it and reply back in time. Engage them before they loose interest.
  • Constantly Participate in social media interactions. This will help you have an everlasting quality group of community and relationships.
  • Being Gregarious is one of a valuable social etiquette that rules the charts.
  • Be Politically Correct: Do not make any statements just because someone in some blog says so, without being backed by a solid source. This is basic ethic to not join the rat race.
  • Rise Above the Noise: If someone is making rude comments on your blog or other social networks, do not engage in a row over the matter. Instead, listen to what they have to say and politely respond back.
  • Do not engage in personal conversations on your corporate blog or social network.
  • Show your Soft Skills: Value your audience and respect them.

With these etiquettes, your company will develop an honest and authentic voice that your stakeholders will value over time. Do share your inputs with iridium Interactive about what your social media etiquettes are.

Follow us on @iridiuminter or my personal twitter @sbharatam.



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