Iridium Interactive Blog

An iridiumInteractive Blog: Transforming + Enlightening Businesses Online Raising Collective Social Intelligence

Tag @zappos

Small Businesses get savvy with Social Media

Not long before when large brands started reaping profits, small companies raised their heads to this phenomenon called Social Media. Social Media Marketing that was once seen as off-bounds for small businesses has finally caught the fancy of small business owners. Its about time that they have realized social media is “one size fits all”. So, simply put it, any SME can experiment and create their formula to leverage their

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Twitter Success Stories

Having shared my Tweetsense with you on What can Twitter do for your business? in my last wisdom series, the easy and super fast method to get conversations rolling, let me get you thinking with some real Twitter success stories. Smart businesses are taking the first mover advantage in social media and have now started conversing with their consumers to get their real time feedback and to start engaging with

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