Iridium Interactive Blog

An iridiumInteractive Blog: Transforming + Enlightening Businesses Online Raising Collective Social Intelligence

Category iiWisdom Series

On-Boarding Twitter into your Business – 7 Steps before take-off

After unleashing “the power of twitter” to you, I am sure you have warmed up to the idea that Twitter is here to stay in the business context and has tremendous potential to connect with internal and external audiences. Before you decide to introduce Twitter in a business context, consider these points to ensure a successful experience. 1. Plan your corporate twitter strategy before taking the plunge. Be clear on

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The Power of Twitter – Build your Social Currency

After my first 2 wisdom series on ‘what is twitter‘ and ‘why twitter‘, now let us understand the power of Twitter for your business.You may be twittering with your personal profile for specific interests, but now its time to get curious and venture into creating the social currency for your company itself.Strange as it may sound, Twitter is a one of the most powerful yet underplayed social medium leveraging online

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Why Twitter? And Five Ground Rules to Practice.

Yesterday I have talked about “what” is twitter, lets get on to “Why” twitter today. Why Twitter? Twitter has become a phenomenal success over the last year although it has been around since 3 years now.  Popular social networking sites like facebook and twitter were struggling to find a standing three years back with tough competition from gmail and yahoo. But now they have surpassed these internet giants.  Mainstream Media

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Taking-off Social Media with Twitter

In my first wisdom series, I begin with introducing you to Twitter. As much as we all know about the Twitter phenomenon, most of us are yet to understand the power of this microblogging social medium and the way it is revolutionizing businesses and powering their networks. So, with my social media ‘twilby’ firmly in place I set out to explain my understanding of  ‘the what’, ‘the how’ and ‘the

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