Iridium Interactive Blog

An iridiumInteractive Blog: Transforming + Enlightening Businesses Online Raising Collective Social Intelligence

Category iiWisdom Series

From dis-engaging to re-engaging the Social Quotient of your employees

So, now having filled you in on the basics of Social Media in my previous few blogs, I shift to the next level of social media insights. With the right base of understanding about this medium, your company can take a leap to explore it as a sand box experiment. Companies in India that block and dis-engage the social network websites for their employees will no longer be successful as

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Marketers Must-Have Social Media Marketing "Clicks"…You Need Them Now

Social Media Marketing is a powerful marketing medium…not in the traditional marketing sense. It does not mean that all other marketing strategies have been abandoned, yet the shift is happening without the hype. If you are wearing the hat of a CMO, a marketing-communications executive today, I know exactly what is creating the dilemma..what is keeping you thinking. What is the right marketing mix to invest in? What do I

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Social Media Fundamentals with a flavor of "Marketing"

Knowing that Social Media is a need not a choice…I am now sharing with you the flavor of “Social Media Marketing“. Social Media is driven by the people, solely for the people and is here to stay, tools may change or may get sophisticated. I was reading this somewhere and it immediately caught my attention- 78% people believe in peer recommendations and only 14% believe in advertisements. It was then

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Social Media for your Business is Not a Choice..Its a Need

What took the radio 38 years to accomplish, Facebook achieved double of it within 9 months? Well, I am talking about the 1 billion users Facebook recently achieved. Social media has transformed the way consumers respond to you. Traditional marketing was all about creating a need for consumers but now it is catering to the needs of consumers- its the network effect. Shouting and hard selling will not reach people.

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In my last wisdom series, I demystified the power of Twitter and how it is transforming the global conversations for business. This has sparked some good interests in the online communities and I am glad people are absorbing the key practical insights for their businesses. It is now time, I demystify the world’s biggest professional network. I am not here to tell you what is LinkedIn. The global online talkers

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Using Twitter to Direct Traffic to your Blog- 5 Diamond Steps for Small Businesses

With over a decade of my energy directed towards nurturing online communities, I have seen that small businesses are often hesitant to make blogs and social networking forums as they feel it will take them ages to create a huge community. In this Social Media age, patience and the choice to stay connected is needed for SMEs. Twitter is a complicated puzzle to many small business owners and particularly fatal

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Twitter Success Stories

Having shared my Tweetsense with you on What can Twitter do for your business? in my last wisdom series, the easy and super fast method to get conversations rolling, let me get you thinking with some real Twitter success stories. Smart businesses are taking the first mover advantage in social media and have now started conversing with their consumers to get their real time feedback and to start engaging with

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Do’s and Dont’s of Twitter

After sharing my learnings on Twitter with you, I will now proceed to the most important part, the Do’s and Dont’s of twitter. This is like a cheat sheet for any person who is yet to explore the vast seas of twitter.  We at iridium Interactive have also struggled to understand and implement twitter in our corporate strategy but with some brainstorming sessions, working late nights inorder to break the

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What can Twitter do for your business?

I continue sharing my learning’s from Twitter and what it can do for your business. Sitting at the iridium office after a long day of Social Media workshop, it alarms me to visualize the potential that this medium holds to transform the way people talk and respond. In my talks with people across different business lines be it HR, Executive level or Mid-layer management, I see a shift happening (even

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