What is RSS? I’m regularly asked this question and thought it might be worth putting together a page to define RSS and hopefully shed some light on the topic. Do you want to keep up to date with the latest posts on ProBlogger? We have a number of ways that you can subscribe to this site and receive updates. The main one that our readers use is our RSS feed.
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A lot is being spoken and written about how brand presence on Social Media do not really help businesses. There have been many nay – sayers who have signed off on its pitfalls . Hence, just to stand out from the crowd, this article refutes this supposition. There are ways and means of generating leads thru social media.
Social Networking is rightly called Social Learning. The deepest learning comes from human connections and Social Networking tools make it easier than ever to connect to the people you want to learn something from, or with whom you are willing to learn with, together, collaboratively. Remember reading business books about the power of the “rolodex”??? Important successful people ALWAYS had a massive rolodex. So, how do you acquire one today?