Iridium Interactive Blog

An iridiumInteractive Blog: Transforming + Enlightening Businesses Online Raising Collective Social Intelligence

Tag social media monitoring

Comments, anyone?

We’ve been here for a while, posting ideas on the blog and our thoughts about various happenings in the industry and trends that are set to shape how we use the internet. One thing that we notice everytime we post on the iridium blog is the lack of comments. And hey, this is no impassioned plea for you to click on the comments tab and start typing but more of

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Social Media for NGOs..4 Starters to Get You Moving

Organizations need a variety of online supporters. They need customers who buy their products, evangelists who promote their brand, mavens who add intellectual value, their own employees who speak out and increase the goodwill towards the brand and a silent audience of undecided’s who fall in none of these categories. Large organizations are blessed with followers and fans instantly. Their timelines and fan pages are bombarded with complaints, compliments and

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SWOT Analysis of Social Media Monitoring

Social Media Monitoring may have started to allure your decision to monitor your social media space but just to give your a reality check, everything comes with a cheque if you do not know their limitations. So now I am presenting to you the Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities and Threats (T) of Social Media Monitoring. Strengths Analyzes what is being said about your company. This produces value for the

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Measuring the Return on Influence of Social Media

“If you cant measure it, you can’t manage it.” as rightly quoted by management guru, Peter Drucker. This is exactly what social media monitoring attempts to do. There are millions of conversations happening and by now if you have been reading my blogs, the message is loud and clear. If you cannot measure them with a predefined set of benchmarks then you cannot [do brand management] manage what is being

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Monitoring the Sentiment behind every Social Media Conversation

“We have seen a clear evolution in demands from our customers. They are better informed and far more sophisticated in their expectations and requirements.”- Mark Redgrave of Hapax. True!! With the advent of social media they now have their own platform to express their views and opinions. The main intention behind social media monitoring is to track these conversations as I have mentioned earlier. Determining if these conversations are positive

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Why Social Media Monitoring?

With my experience with iridium in this sphere for some time, it is my observation that social media is spreading like wild fire and it is every company’s desire to be a part of what is being said about them, their brands, products, services and finally, their reputation in the market. Social media includes blogs, forums, wikis, tags and any user generated content. This is where consumers and users saw

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A Primer On Social Media Monitoring

After taking a deep dive into social media and marketing, we will now turn the tide towards introducing an integral part of social media, namely social media monitoring. This is imperative to every company who wants to measure their activities on social media. Also known as social reputation management, or online reputation management, social media monitoring serves more than gathering metrics on your social media initiatives.

Social Media for your Business is Not a Choice..Its a Need

What took the radio 38 years to accomplish, Facebook achieved double of it within 9 months? Well, I am talking about the 1 billion users Facebook recently achieved. Social media has transformed the way consumers respond to you. Traditional marketing was all about creating a need for consumers but now it is catering to the needs of consumers- its the network effect. Shouting and hard selling will not reach people.

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iridium Interactive CEO Sriram Bharatam talks on Creating Measurable Returns through Social Media Monitoring at INFOCOM'10

Kolkata, India, Jan 22nd, 2010- INFOCOM 09/10- India’s largest ICT (Information Communication Technology) Expo that was held in Calcutta this year saw IT experts, corporate world gurus, business users and policy makers meet at this conference with the sole objective of leveraging businesses with IT applications. Sriram Bharatam, CEO and Founder of iridium Interactive was invited as a key speaker to share his insights on the growing influence of social

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